Bundahbah Tea Gardens TV Signal

People often group Bundahbah and Tea Gardens into the same area for TV signal, but in reality, they are totally different areas. More correctly, we can group Bundabah with Nerong, and NOT included with Hawks Nest, Tea Gardens or even Bulahdelah.

Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest receive their TV signals from the Gan Gan transmitter site, and Bundahbah receives signals primarily from Mt Sugarloaf. Medowie and Gan Gan’s signals are blocked by obstructions from most of the Bundabah. Bulahdelah receives their signal from…Bulahdelah.

Hot weather dropouts can be caused by location or antenna setup issues, and the correlation of faults rarely identifies causation. Rare in 1950 still rare in 2024 (bro-science and pub-logic examples always disagree)

  • Technical reasons, the signal travels line-of-sight, and high-power transmitters do get better refraction over hills. The old rule always applies signal just doesn’t bend. Phone signal is also poor in this location for the same reason. Signal noise from other transmitters can over power local signals that are not line-of-sight most common during the summer months. FM radio stations from Sydney can often be very clear during these times.
  • Non-technical reasons, hills. A terrain map showing hills all around predicts coverage in Bundabah and every location on earth. Without a tower on a hill or a satellite above your phone, TV and other communication devices do not work in an isolated location.
  • Political reasons, not enough votes. If enough people complain a police station, hospital and all services will be local and plentiful. Phone coverage and TV could be improved with much less funding.
  • Business reasons, Phone or TV broadcast stations need to make a profit to exist. Populated areas like Newcastle have multiple TV and Phone towers all over the area some houses have direct line-of-sight with multiple towers really spoilt for signal. With many eyes watching many advertising this area is their focus. How much profit can big business see in places like Bundahbah and Nerong? Complaints can get their attention but is it profitable?

Signal is available and various options are available but only within the limited rules of reality.


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