Australian clocks will go back one hour when daylight saving time (AEDT) ends on Sunday 07 April 2024. This means there’ll be a few changes to our trading hours.
Kindly note that all timings stated below are listed in Australian Eastern Standard Time.
US and Canadian equities (including equity options) will trade between 11.30pm Friday to 6am (the next day).
“All Sessions” shares will trade from 6pm to 10am (next day) from Monday to Thursday, and 6pm Friday to 7am Saturdays.
“All Sessions” shares on share trading accounts will run from 9pm to 7:30am (next day), Monday to Thursday and from 9pm on Fridays to 7am on Saturdays.
For markets where funding is applied for positions held through 10pm UK time, funding will be applied for positions held through 7am (AEST).
In addition, take note of the following day-specific changes that will take place after 07 April 2024.
Market affected
Starting from Friday 12 APR 2024 FX markets, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, 24-hour index markets and the dealing desk will close at 7am (NEXT day)
Starting from Saturday 13 APR 2024 Cryptocurrencies and weekend markets will open at 5pm
Starting from Monday 08 APR 2024 FX markets will open at 6am.
FX markets on the MT4 platform will open at 7am.
24-hour index markets will open at 8am
Weekend indices will be rolled over at 7:40am
The information provided above is accurate to the best of our knowledge. They are subjected to change and should only be used as guidance.